Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Preventing truck and carhauling accidents

6/13/2011 Trucking Groups Call on NHTSA to Examine Truck Crashworthiness Standards

American Trucking Associations and the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association together called on the federal government to begin researching standards for crashworthiness for heavy trucks.

"NHTSA has continuously developed crashworthiness standards for automobiles and light trucks, but to date has generally not applied crashworthiness standards to commercial trucks," the two groups wrote in a June 6 letter to David Strickland, head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "We believe there may be opportunities to enhance the survivability of professional truck drivers if appropriate, research-based, uniform standards are developed."

To read the full article click HERE
Seal of the United States Department of Transp...Image via Wikipedia
 Trucks for Sale

2004 Peterbilt Truck
2004 Peterbilt Truck
1996 Freightliner Truck
2005 Western Star
Trucks and Carhaulers for Sale

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Truck Fleets and Social Media...

Opinion: Why Trucking Should Adopt Social Media

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseBy Dick Hyatt
Decisiv Inc.
June 2011

Social media are transforming the way America does business, and there’s no reason that shouldn’t include trucking. When it comes to traditional trucking products such as vehicles, systems and components, the development life cycle can be fairly long. The time span required from initial concept through design, research and development and testing before production can begin can be measured in years. Information-management technology, on the other hand, often has a much shorter development life.

US truck - California 2007Image via WikipediaWhat that means for those of us who supply the advanced technologies used to manage trucking companies today is that our objective has to be communicating more effectively with our customers and partners.
Traditionally, we have employed such practices as focus groups to accomplish this task, and while they yielded results, these groups were expensive, time-consuming and static.

Fixed in time, they simply could not address technology issues and customer and partner challenges in an effective and beneficial time frame.

But today, many trucking companies and industry suppliers of all types of technologies are successfully using social media communication channels such as blogging, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube to meet almost immediately the challenges and needs of customers and partners.

To read the full article CLICK HERE

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